Thank You For The Love

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13 July
Hi I love the idea of your magazine it’s so inspiring!.. With so many glamour magazines out it’s very refreshing to see a magazine devoted to something so important! My friend has just been published in your magazine Chloe and I was wondering how I would get involved id love to be published in a magazine that I could be proud of! And to help spread the empowerment! Thanks heaps and keep up the great work!!



Love ya work. And good on you for dedication to helping prevent Domestic Violence. Much admiration. Anyone who makes the world a better place 4my girls and future generations deserves a big pat on the back. You are welcome Amy. Have a great week – Spence



Hi, I liked your page a few months ago and often although I can speak my mind usually I have found on here I only “like” your comment’s only because I am a little scared as I know there isn’t a whole lot of privacy on FB these days. I am 6 months out of a DV marriage but still often feel although I am happy I am out of it finally and am progressing positively forward the ugly mental habit and sometimes physical that I lived for 8 years sometimes allows me to get stuck. I see a psychologist and she is really helping but my X still has some mental control and want to know if there are woman out there like me. I know that is a stupid question but sometimes I just feel alone and really need to gain strength so I can be a better role model to my kids. I do hope I can join your private group I just read about. If not thankyou for having a page such as yours on here.
